Generosity is an important part of our growth as Christians. We believe that in giving we receive. In particular, it is through giving we receive the promises of the gospel. There are many ways to give, big or small, and whether you want to make a pledge for ongoing contributions or a one-time gift. Whatever you chose to give, we welcome you to join Emmanuel in our transformative work.
Making a stewardship pledge is the way many people support Emmanuel’s ministries, from our worship to Meals on Wheels, the Christmas Dinner, Social Club, music, Altar Guild, and much more! Your generosity allows Emmanuel to worship, share, serve, and grow together. You are welcome to make a pledge and honor that pledge as a single gift or by installments (i.e. weekly, monthly, etc.). For more information or to receive a pledge card please contact us.
General Giving
You are invited to make a gift to Emmanuel at any time. Simply click the “Donate” button below to access Emmanuel’s secure, online donation portal via Paypal and make a gift!
You can donate online with any major credit card. Look for the text link that reads "Continue" in blue in the left column to skip logging in and pay with your credit card.