Emmanuel is located at the corner of Cumberland Street and James Street in Bristol Virginia. (View in Google Maps.)
You may enter our main parking lot on James Street or across from the church on Cumberland Street.
You may enter the church through the double red doors on Cumberland Street, or through the red doors on James Street. Handicapped parking spaces are available on the right at the far end of James Street. An elevator is accessible through the James Street entrance on the ground floor, past the bathrooms, and beside the Columbarium.
Emmanuel is a warm, inviting community and almost anyone can help you with questions: however, there is a team of people who are specifically tasked with helping you on your first visit. The ushers or greeters will be offering service bulletins as you enter and they can familiarize you with the facility and help you get oriented.
Nursery is available for children infants to 3 years. Ushers are available to direct you to the nursery.
Our services offer a unique worship experience that meets you where you are in your life. Our 8:00 a.m. service is a traditional (Rite I) service that is a quiet and reflective experience that embraces the mystery of God. The 10:30 a.m., is a more family oriented service (Rite II) that engages traditional forms of music in a slightly less formal atmosphere. Both services celebrate The Holy Eucharist and use The Book of Common Prayer. Bulletins are provided at each service which give the order of service and can be used in place of or along with the prayer book.
On Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. in The Bledsoe Chapel, we offer The Holy Eucharist and prayers for healing.
The first Saturday of every month at 5:00 p.m. there is Evening Prayer in the Bledsoe Chapel.
The short answer is where ever you feel comfortable. If you attend the 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. service, a person at the door will hand you a bulletin to guide you through our worship service and they can also help you find a place to sit. Otherwise, you are welcome to sit where you please.
Everyone who has been baptized is invited to go to the front and kneel or stand at the altar to receive communion. Place one hand on top of the other to first receive the bread. When the wine comes to you, help the minister guide the cup to your mouth. If you would prefer to receive a blessing instead, then cross your hands across your chest, and this will indicate your preference to the priest. You may then stand and return to your seat.
We offer an Inquirers Class which will help orient you to the Christian life and in particular what it means to us here at Emmanuel. At the end of this course, you will be offered an opportunity to become a member. If you are interested please let us know.